Currently, children in both of the school districts in our community are part of the lunch at no cost program. These children are able to partake in breakfast and lunch at school during the school year. However, the summer is a different story. For many, the summer means food insecurity. While there are a couple of programs that feed lunch to kids, there is a large population of children who are unable to participate due to issues with transportation and other barriers. That's where Soup for the Soul comes in.
We partner with the Family Resource Centers in both districts to identify children ages 0-18 most in need. Planning happens all year to ensure we are ready to meet the needs of all during the summer. We plan in January-May, raising funding, matching families to the program and searching for books, meals, and shelf-stable snacks to deliver. Volunteers meet every Friday through the summer to package bags full of healthy foods that are then delivered, also by volunteers, to these children. Children are given a meal to cook with their family, snacks, and an age-appropriate book. Foods that we give to the children are easy to open and prepare for themselves, if needed. Each bag contains about 3 FDA-approved meals.
The first year of this program, food was delivered to about 75 students who were identified by our local Family Resource Centers. The 2nd year, we were able to deliver to 125 children, and this past summer, year five, we were up to 375. Knowing that more children in our community are eligible, it is our goal to continue to expand this program until all are served. This summer we have a projected 400+ children in need of this service.
Of course, more kiddos and more food mean we need more money and more supplies. To sustain this program, the cost is $100 per child. $100 will feed them all summer and create a small library of books for them to read and enjoy. We would love more community partners for food or books. We could use a sponsor for a weekly meal or item. We always welcome more packers and drivers. If you would like to partner with us on this very important program, click on the DONATE link above. To volunteer or inquire about items we need most, contact Noraa Ransey at 270.978.1831.